
8yo, 13’1 1/2h sooty buckskin with 3 socks and a star and some roaning.
Cute, cute pony. Very big bodied medium. We use her for everything from toddler leadline lessons to vaulting to kids learning to post to starting kids in jumping. Great on the trail, great cross country, great at shows. Perfect confidence builder for 10-year-old kids. Does like to come to the middle sometimes if you just put baby beginners on her. Does best with tune-ups once a week. Very safe and sane, needs a crop. Has been under saddle since July, started jumping in winter. She is our go-to trot-a-course gal. Can also canter jumps but needs leg and still requires a lot of supporting rein because she’s still green. She will probably make a super fancy pony with a year of pro / teen rides. Looks ‘normal’ with a small adult on her. Price high 4's.

9yo, 13’3h Welsh Cross gelding
Chestnut with tons of chrome - 4 half-cannons and blaze. Cutest face. Definitely a ham. Bought as a future school pony with 9yo kids in mind. Short back and petite so rides a little small. Goes wtc, started over jumps. Easiest rocking horse canter. Likes to pick up crops and lungewhips. Will shake his halter at you when you walk by because he wants you to get him out. Does nip because he is relentlessly personable so needs clear boundaries. Leaves horse friends alone when he’s on grass but otherwise is non stop play. Progressing super fast, pretty confident he will have an auto change. Just stick him in lessons and let teens finish him out. Handsome pony! Super kissable face. Not winning any hacks, but going to be a great lesson pony. Price lower mid fours.

25yo, 13h black with a star Welsh/Arab gelding.
Everyone’s favorite ‘learn to canter’ pony - if you can post on another pony you can canter on Maverick. Best if ridden multiple times a week. Super sound for crossrails but will run-out if you go higher. Great on the trail and grasshopper cross country. Maintenance is Pergoglide and Equioxx. Have never done his hocks but I bet it would be awesome for him. Can be a drama llama about taking his blanket on and off but generally people agree he is worth his weight in gold for lessons and makes all the riders look good. Not a hunter type pony in terms of looks but an unforgettable helper for bringing riders up. Not slowing down at all… Will likely go until he is 32. Price low to mid 4's.

21-year-old, 14’1h stunning palomino mare with a dun stripe (dunalino)
Gorgeous pony sunshine pony with dapples. Will take kids from first ride to 2ft. If you have a timid kid, this pony is a godsend. In one week, she teaches 4yo’s to post and jumps cross country with teens. A little stiff at the canter, but kids fall head over heels in love with this pony. So gentle, so obedient, so kind. Rarely questions an instruction. Great for trot-a-course. Gets bolder at canter and has a little motor. Great for absolutely everything we have thrown at her (trail riding, summer camps, jumpers, Eventing, vaulting, up-and-down lessons). She is the whole package. Barn favorite. High 4's.

16’2h, dark bay 18yo Holsteiner mare
Huge confidence builder. Skills range from kids learning to canter, kids who are moving out of crossrails into 2ft, and kids starting complicated 2’6 courses with changes. No stop. Super adjustable. Flying changes for anyone who can lift a rein. Like any valuable school horse, we keep her at under 2ft6 because she has a Keratoma in one hoof but it hasn’t changed in 5 years. Wears front shoes. Not a hunter but beautiful eventer and jumper. Perfect walk-to-canter transition. So easy on the ground, very safe to handle. Gets along with everyone in the pasture. Easy keeper. Will trail ride bareback in a halter. Zero maintenance. You will fall in love with her. Barn favorite. Seriously useful horse to have around. Price very low 5's. Keratoma should not be an issue but have contract to help buyer feel solid about it.

19yo, 13h, imported Section BÂ Welsh gelding
Kid-proof, mom-approved godsend-for-a-trainer Welsh Pony gelding. Imported from the Netherlands. Handsome and safe as they come, both on the ground and under saddle. Likes to live alone. Zero maintenance. Fancy jumper, eventer, dressage pony. A little quick for hunter over fences but has an auto change 80% of the time. Zero spook. Loves gaming, rounding up cattle, and trail riding too! Goes round and has an adorable outline. Kick ride but once he’s going will take you gently and confidently to the jumps. Often finds the short distance and saves the rider. Perfect first pony and even better if there are several kids in the family - one just learning to post, one cantering courses - he does it all. Irreplaceable pony. For lease.

18yo, 10’2h Foundation Shetland
Perfect tot and preschool pony. Leadline only recommended. Rock solid for vaulting and lunge line lessons. Trick trained to bow, lay down, etc. Has raised countless toddlers in our program up through posting and cantering. Such a fun pony! Instant fun when you take her out. Pulls a cart but hasn’t been asked to in a few years. Maintenance is Equioxx and Prascend. Would benefit from hocks done. Solid on the trail. Like any good Shetland, is bad about baths. Would prefer she stay at a riding school where she will be used a lot. Price lower mid 4's. Cutie does lots of 30-minute private lessons each week and more than pays her way.

19yo, 14’1h dun Kiger mare.
Rock solid for vaulting and lunge line lessons. Perfect walk/trot pony for older adult or person with special needs. Super great for riding double with mom and tot. Trick trained to bow, lay down, Spanish Walk, etc. Rides bridleless. Knows how to neck rein. Super smooth trot like a moving couch. Tons of Liberty training. Maintenance is Equioxx, Prascend, and hocks done annually. Is retried from canter work. Lease to perfect home only.
Below you'll find a short selection of ponies that we have sold. These are ponies started and finished by Pony Pros. All our ponies are trained to this standard. We work hard to great good, safe family ponies.
Blue-Eyed Buccaneer (Sold)
Super Fun Welsh Pony with Looks to Match! 10-year-old, 12'1h Welsh Pony. We started Blue Man under saddle ourselves in 2010. He's been the perfect pony almost from day 1! Blue Man is a Left Brain Extrovert who loves to play. He is rambunctious and has a very goofy sense of humor. Blue Man is shown here with riders ages 2-10.
Evans Dreamcatcher (Sold)
12'2h Section C Welsh Pony. Evan is used in our lesson program for teaching the littlest riders to steer. The smaller they are the gentler he is. Evan has a tiny little trot and is very smooth. He is kind, reliable, and almost bombproof. We started Evan under saddle ourselves as a 3 year old. Now that he is a 10-year-old gelding, he is much in demand and ready to go bless one lucky family. Evan goes English and Western and is well behaved in all settings. He has a huge heart.