Live, Online Group Class. Very fun!
Upbeat conditioning class for horse riders and vaulters. 30 minute workout plus 20 minutes of horse chat! Each day will include lots of core conditioning and leg strength. The teacher will model the movements and then lead learners in an active group workout. Don’t worry, you don’t need much space - the floor space in an average size bedroom will be plenty! No need to bring anything except your smile, some water, and a hand towel to be used with stretching. At the end of class, we will spend a few minutes low-key chatting about horses.

Did you know that horseback riding at the trot burns as many calories per hour as running? If you’re riding predominately at the canter, it is in the top most calorically-intensive sports!
Trotting burns 500 calories per hour for the rider.
In addition to legs and core, we will work on flexibility because horseback riding can really limit your flexibility if you don’t stay on top of it! The ability to relax your muscles and soften your joints helps so much with not over-recruiting while you are riding, which is better for your balance and for the comfort of your horse. Over-recruiting makes riding so much harder than it needs to be. Believe it or not, there are a lot of studies that show that a bracing rider creates much more stress on the horse's back than even a beginner rider who is bouncing everywhere.
As a sport, horseback riding also develops the muscles in your lower body more than your upper body. We will do some work to even that out.

- If you aren’t at your best physically, it’s going to be harder for your horse to be at his best
- Feel more confident riding a green or spooky horse
- Make riding enjoyable because you’ll have better endurance
- Working out will help your body-awareness in the saddle
- Clearer Communication With Your Horse - Be more precise in the saddle so your horse knows what you’re asking for
- Better Equitation - sit gracefully at the lope or canter
- Reduce Falls - With more core, you’ll be better balanced in the saddle and less likely to fall
- Jump Bigger - A solid core is a game-changer for two-point position
- Solid Leg - Get a better lower leg position by building leg strength and hip flexibility
- Fluidity - Gain coordination and follow the movement of your horse more easily
- Sit the trot without bouncing
- Reach your full potential in the saddle
- Have a more harmonic partnership with your horse