Sign-on for a weekly video chat where you can socialize with other horse-lovers and learn every time!
Your Job - Come with questions or things you are curious about. Bring videos to share.
Our Job - Inspire love of learning and love of horses. Create a great online environment where everyone feels included.
This class might be for you if you answer yes to any of the following...
Stuck in a rut? This class is overflowing with fun ideas!
Is your horse unsound? Get an extra set of eyes.
Spooky horse? We can help you come up with ideas for desensitizing.
Need advice on managing your horse's diet or picking out tack? No problem!
Having trouble with your position on the horse? We can't wait to bring you clarity and inspiration!
Feeling anxious about riding? Lots of people feel that way. We can help!
Unsure what to do next? We can help with long term vision and goals.
Newcomer feeling adrift in a sea of information? The horse industry can be overwhelming. We can help!