'Serious Skills, Serious Fun!'
At Pony Pros, we use natural horsemanship and positive reinforcement training to help us live the "Misty of Chincoteague" dream. In a team-based setting, we jump, trail ride, show, and practice the art of playing with horses at liberty!
Zoom Classes for Students Around the World
Make friends with other hunter/jumper kids while learning more about how hunters and jumpers works as equestrian sports! This class class is primarily a student-led, discussion based class. Learners are asked to bring new video each week to share with their friends. Groups divided by age/ability.

Learn about horse anatomy, conformation faults, common diseases, rehabilitating injuries, tack fitting, healthy feed regimens, conditioning, safe horse-keeping, and more. Great information to help future vets or horse trainers! Mix of lecture and games. Great for people who might want to compete in 4H Horse Knowledge Bowl, Pony Club Quiz, or the National Hippology Academy with IEA.

Pony Pros is loved by our local students and by horse people around the world!
To the next person who says, "Have you seen Buck?" I will say, "Have you seen Pony Pros? That is how it should be done!"
These people are fantastic! I can't think of any better place to study or to trust with my child's equine education. We are blessed to have them in Bend!
I am filled with gratitude for PonyPros on so many levels: the amazing role models you are for my daughters, the memorable events you have arranged and they have participated in, your photographic genius. For the millionth time, I so appreciate your deep understanding of my girls.

"I've been riding with Pony Pros for a few years now and I absolutely love it! There is no other riding place like it. We learn all sorts of things other than just riding. We do vaulting, jumping, colt starting, camping trips, trick training... Pretty much anything to do with horses - we do it. Everyone at PonyPros is so friendly, from the teachers to the parents to the kids. Even the ponies are super friendly and very cute! When you go out to the pasture they all come up and say hi and want to be taken out and played with. I always feel safe and accepted there."